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  • Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means holy evening, and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints Day. However, it is not really a church holi
  • One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kic
  • After the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.One day he ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.He then asked the gods and goddesses to awa
  • One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked
  • 1.Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president ) 永恒的真理如果不在新的社会形势下赋予新的意义
  • Time is money. (时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金) Time flies. (光阴似箭,日月如梭) Time has wings. (光阴去如飞) Time is a file that wears and makes no noise. (光阴如锉,细磨无声) Time stays not t
  • A light heart lives long.( William Shakespeare, British dramatist ) 豁达者长寿。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.(Benjamin Franklin,
  • Red sky at night,sailor sdelight.Red sky in the morning,sailor take waring. 早霞不出门,晚霞行千里。 Halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon. 日晕三更雨,月晕午时风。 When the stars begin to hu
  • 1.Bird (1) Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。 (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 (3) Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 (4)
  • 表达情绪的18个英语词汇: 1.confident 自信的 2.hysterical 歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的 3.mischievous 搞怪的(人、行为等)恶作剧的;淘气的;有害的 4.smug 自鸣得意的;自以为是的;整洁的 5.surprised 惊讶的 6.bor
  • 微笑 - smile 【释义】 The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards. 嘴角向外运动并轻微向上扬起。 【例句】 Her smile makes her even more beautiful. 她的微笑使她更美丽了。 大笑 - laugh
  • 样板戏 model opera 地雷战 The Mine Warfare 霸王别姬 Farewell to My Concubine 群英会 Gathering of Heroes 借东风 East Wind 将相和 General and Premier Make Up 凤阳花鼓 Flower Drum Dance 醒世恒言 Lasting
  • Time flies. 光阴似箭. Time is life. 时间就是生命. Times change. 时代在改变. Time is money. 时间就是金钱. Life is sweet. 人生是美好的. Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的. Extremes meet. 两极相通,有无相生。
  • 春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year s Eve; eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festiva
  • 在日常生活中,色彩是最富有表现力的语言,它们能表现品格、传达情绪、丰富语言。下面我们就来看几个带 颜色 的句子吧! 1. Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe。 自从她男朋友去了欧洲
  • Diverted traffic 交叉路口 Entry to motorway 高速入口 Left junction 左交叉口 Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速 Avoid the jams 避免交通堵塞 Dangerous bend 弯道危险 Look left (right) 向左(右)看
  • 汉语中常有 阴沉着脸 、 愁云密布 等跟天气相关的词语,那么英语中有没有类似的表达呢?下面我们一起来看一下吧: 1. What s up with him today? He has a face like thunder! 他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。 2.
  • Football 足球 Basketball 篮球 Volleyball 排球 Baseball 棒球 Badminton 羽毛球 Tennis 网球 Table tennis 乒乓球 Softball 垒球 Golf 高尔夫球 Billiards 台球 Jogging 慢跑 Swim 游泳 High jump 跳高 Mountain
  • 1. Altar:祭坛 / Alter :更改 2. Amoral :无道德的/ Immoral :邪恶的 3. Appraise :评估/ Apprise :告知 4. Assent:同意 / Ascent :上升 5. Brake :制动器/ Break :破坏 6. Breathe :呼吸/ Breath :气
  • 圣诞:thebirthdayofJesusChrist 圣诞节:Christmasday,Xm.,Xmas 圣诞歌:Christmascarol 圣诞卡:Christmascard 圣诞老人:SantaClaus 圣诞树:Christmastree 圣诞快乐:MerryChristmas 圣诞柴:yulelog(圣诞节